Last night was another drawing session at the Coppini and the model was good. It's really nice to look around at each break and see what the others have drawn and how different they look just from moving the angle of the artist in relationship to the model. One of today's photos is of 2 drawings -7 to 10 minutes each. The 2nd photo is a 20 minute drawing. I drew her head too large though, and, since it was with conte' pencils, couldn't go back and "fix" that sort of thing. So I've covered the head for this photo. :) The third photo is of a painting I did a couple of weeks ago. It's a zebra's eye and I like the painting so well that I'm going to do a series of animal eyes. It's a challenge working with the light in their eyes. I took of photo of a horse last Summer and enlarged it on the computer and was amazed to see the horizon and other details reflected in that animals' eyes.
Talking about reflections~ one morning I woke up with my hand up close to my eye and suddenly realized I was seeing a very precise reflection of my bedroom window and the trees and sky - on the diamond in the wedding ring on my finger. I'd never noticed those kind of refelctions there before, shine - yes, but not reflections. That could be the makings of a very interesting painting. So, if you ever happen to see me sitting around somewhere with my ring up close to my eye, rest assured I'm not checking out the stone, I'll be checking out reflections!