About Me

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I love painting portraits, pets/animals, land and sea scapes, and still lifes in acrylics, oils in oils, acrylics, and sometimes watercolors.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Riverwalk Stroll and Cruising on the River

A few months ago I joined the River Arts Group in San Antonio and now am hanging art in their gallery.   I thought some San Antonio type paintings would be appreciated and took a boat tour on the river downtown to look for interesting painting sights.  Here are two of my latest paintings: top - Riverwalk Stroll, and bottom - Cruising on the River.  Both of them painted in acrylic and they're 8"x10".  Both will be part of a 6 piece series.  While #3 Riverwalk painting is already started I've had to shelf it for a few weeks to finish up a painting for the Lulling Oil Museum's  "Reflection of Texas" art show coming up on Sept 9th .  The reception time is 2:00 - 6:pm.  Come join in the fun and be sure to check out both of the paintings that I'll have out there.  Hope to see you then!

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